Here's how it works:
with 3 to 8 letters
figure out the secret word in just 6 tries
Can you crack the hidden word? You've got 6 tries to guess it right! After each guess, we'll give you some color hints:
If the word is "HEART"
If you guess "EARTH"
If you guess "TRAIN"
If you guess "CLOUD"
Letter is in the right position
Letter exists but wrong position
Letter is not in the word
Use the "+" and "-" buttons to switch between 3-8 letter words. Whether you're a word newbie or a vocabulary pro, there's a perfect challenge waiting for you.
After each guess, the letters will change color to give you hints. Green means the letter is correct and in the right spot, yellow means the letter exists but is in the wrong position, and gray means the letter isn't in the word at all.
Yes! You can play as many times as you want. Use the "Reset" button to start a new game with a different word. Each game generates a new random word based on your chosen length.
Use the "+" and "-" buttons before starting a game to change the word length from 3 to 8 letters. Longer words generally provide a greater challenge. You can also track your solving time to challenge yourself.
If you don't guess the word within 6 attempts, the game ends and reveals the correct word. Don't worry though - you can always start a new game and try again with a different word!
Yes! You can use either your physical keyboard or the on-screen keyboard to enter letters. Use Backspace to delete and Enter to submit your guess. The game supports both input methods for your convenience.
Yes, all words are common English words. We've carefully selected words that are familiar and frequently used, making the game both challenging and educational for English language learners and native speakers alike.
At the beginning of the game, try to use a word without repeating letters and with as many vowels as possible, such as the word "RADIO". However, mathematician Grant Sanderson found that the best starting word is "CRANE" or "SLOTH", which includes frequently used letters.
In American English, we use a dictionary from the Letterpress word list that includes a list of ~275,000 words. This dictionary is constantly updated with new words based on real feedback from people.
This alert message means that the given word was not found in our word bank. Try another word, or if you think the word is correct, let us know.
If you think that the hidden word is wrong or incorrect, let us know. We will definitely fix this as soon as possible.
Jump in and see how fast you can solve the puzzle!🚀